graphic design

/Tag:graphic design

Brochure to the Rescue!

I’ll be the first one to admit it: In today’s fast-paced digital world, full of mobile apps, streaming videos, and flashing banner ads, an old-fashioned printed brochure can seem behind the times at first glance. That shouldn’t stop you from investing in one, though, because it could be the key to helping you make sales that would otherwise get away. In fact, I would go as far as to say that every company should have a well-designed and written brochure that explains who they are, what [...]

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 October 7th, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on Brochure to the Rescue!

The Do’s and Don’ts of Working with a Graphic Designer

1. Have a schedule Go to your graphic designer with a tentative timeframe of when you expect to have the project completed by. Understand that there are multiple steps between the first meeting and delivery. The designer will need you to approve the final proof a week before your deadline, so they can forward your files to the printer. 2. Know what you want When going into a meeting with your graphic designer, it is essential to remember that what you envision in your mind can be interpreted a [...]

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 September 29th, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on The Do’s and Don’ts of Working with a Graphic Designer

Building a Successful Ad

When creating an ad, you’ll want to make sure you accomplish several things to ensure your ad is effective. You have to make yourself stand out among the hundreds, if not thousands, of messages a reader sees every day. There are two key points:  VISUAL AESTHETIC • You’ll need to grab the reader’s attention by having a visually attractive ad (see previous post “White Space Is Your Friend”). Most of the time this includes an eye-catching or unusual image. Hire a good designer to handle [...]

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 September 16th, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on Building a Successful Ad

Direct Mail vs. Email

Over the last 10 years or so we have all been hearing rumors that “print is or will be dead.” True, the internet has given the print world a one-two punch, but don’t count them out yet. I personally think print will never die, at least not in my lifetime. There is a substantial part of the population who still enjoy flipping through a magazine and receiving mail. Sure, new media tools will continue to emerge, but the tried and true methods of why people [...]

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 September 9th, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on Direct Mail vs. Email

White Space is Your Friend

YOU HAVE 2 SECONDS TO GRAB A READER’S ATTENTION. White space, many times referred to as negative space, is the portion that is left blank, or the empty space on a page. The blank space reminds us that simpler designs can be beautiful and there's no need to create a layout filled with text and graphics to deliver a clear and direct message. Apple is a great example of ‘less is more’. They’re known for their modern, clean design aesthetic – not only in their electronic [...]

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 August 31st, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on White Space is Your Friend

Color Psychology 101

If you search 'color psychology' on Google, you’ll be bombarded with information – charts, graphs, photos, color wheels, etc. It's a LOT to process. That’s why I intentionally wanted to keep this post short and to the point. It’s still a little long for my liking, but hey, color psychology is very complex, I did my best.... Do you ever wonder how the experts use color psychology in marketing and graphic design? What do certain colors mean? How can color influence the choices you make? How [...]

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 August 18th, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on Color Psychology 101

Networking — It’s not who you know….

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “It’s not who you know ... but WHO KNOWS YOU.” In the professional world, and especially during a job search, this is absolutely true. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 70% of all jobs are found through networking.

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:54-04:00 August 11th, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on Networking — It’s not who you know….

A Spotlight on Client Relationships

One of my favorite clients is Fuzión Dance Artists. The main reason being, they allow me a lot of creative freedom (which can be hard to come by in the graphic design world) and I have the privilege of working with some great photographers which makes my job a lot easier.

By | 2017-07-18T17:26:55-04:00 August 3rd, 2015|Design, Graphic Design Services|Comments Off on A Spotlight on Client Relationships